Join our loyalty program and earn points with every purchase. As a loyalty member you’ll gain access to exclusive offers throughout the year.

Earn Points
Earn one (1) point for every dollar ($1) you spend in the store.
Earn Extra Points
Earn three (3) points on indoor plants and outdoor bedding plants.
Redeem Points
For every 1,000 points earned, receive a $20 credit towards future purchases and services.*
Your points never expire!

Visit Our Store and Sign Up Today
*Points earned (pre-tax) and redeemed on in-store purchases only. Not available for online purchases. Points cannot be earned on services, installations, or deliveries. In the event of a return or refund, points will be deducted from the member’s account in the amount equal to the points earned. Points are not redeemable for cash. Store credit only. The Pineapple Perks Loyalty Program is offered by Jacksons Home and Garden, and its terms may change at any time without notice. See a Jacksons team member for more details.